Wednesday 15 January 2014

My Thoughts on Where I'm At

Welcome back!

Wow! What a hectic 8 months it has been since I much has happened, and I wandered off track, but I am back and ready to give it my ALL!

Hubland and I are still happily married (he's put up with me for almost 9 years now!), and we have so much to look forward to over the coming years. Anyway, I got a promotion in November and have been absolutely flat out over the Christmas period - working in retail will do that to you - but I am now ready to focus on my health. I am now at my heaviest, which is rather disappointing, but it has given me the motivation to do something about it...again. I have been trying to eat healthy since the start of the year for the most part, and I have recently signed up to a local boot camp to get my exercise back on track.

I am SO READY  to succeed.

I WILL succeed.

I will NOT doubt myself - I WILL just get on with it and do it.

That is not to say that I won't slip up - I just won't GIVE up.

I have been introduced to a new (to me) philosophy recently - Lorna Jane's 'move, nourish, believe' philosophy. It just seems to fit for me. I know it's not for everyone, but I think it is for me. Taking this on board, along with my healthy eating and regular exercise - I CAN do it...

And if I can do it, so can you!

Lastly, I apologise if this post is chunky, but I am simply sharing my thoughts as they come.

Monday 13 May 2013

Trying Toddler Times

Mr Magoo is in the process of toilet training...still. We started the process properly at the start of April, and to be completely honest with you I thought we would struggle for a couple of weeks but would fly through from there. Boy was I wrong! We are struggling most days 6 weeks later...Some days are better than others, and I must admit that there have been a few other adjustments during this time (like me starting full time work) that have made the toilet training rather difficult.

I understand that it is common for boys to train later than girls, and also to have more trouble, but I really thought that our boy who is so bright when it comes to other developmental aspects, would just click with this after the first few successes. This was not to be though. I think he is just too stubborn for his own good (don't know where he gets that from? ;-)). He knows when he needs to go - he has gone a day here and there with completely dry undies all day, all while telling us when he needs to go, actually going (by himself, of course), putting his undies and shorts back on the right way (I've heard that this is often the hardest part), and even washing and drying his hands without prompting.

What I don't understand is how he can do all this, but still be happy to sit and play in wet undies every other day??? Please tell me this won't last forever - the washing pile has just about doubled in size (as he HAS to wear undies and shorts even if it's just us at home), and this Mummy is feeling very drained (as is his Daddy, I'm sure!).

We have been using a reward system with stickers and lollies (depending on whether he does a wee or poo, if he needs to be prompted to go etc) as nothing else seemed to work, but I would love to hear suggestions of ANYTHING else that may help speed this process up...if we haven't tried it already, I will be sure to give it a go!

Take care,

Kelly xxx

Sunday 12 May 2013

Am I Taking On Too Much?

I often wonder if I take on too much at any one time. I go through phases in which I am so motivated, and come up with many ideas (or find them online) of ways to change - to change my unhealthy habits to healthy ones, to improve the many different home routines, to find more ME time or whatever the issue that's at the forefront of my mind at a particular time. And then when I can't keep up with it all, I feel like I have failed.

I need to slow down. I mean, I have only been working full time for a month, and given that Hubland  is on the final leg of his thesis (the current due date being about 6 weeks away), the last thing I want is for him to have to pick me up after a crash that I have caused. There are some things that need to continue. I am not giving up on my health and fitness journey - it is much too important, and I have already come so far (4kg's down in the last 4 weeks - woohoo!!!). Obviously, the housework still needs to be attended to - not that I'm expecting perfection. In fact, I feel as though I have been relying on Hubland to do more than he should be around the house, and I'm sorry for that. I also don't want to give up on this blog - I love writing it, and I really do feel like it is beneficial to me (even if I only get one or two posts up each month).

Aside from these things though, I need to take a step back. As much as I love taking on new challenges, I am finding it too difficult to keep up with them all, and it is starting to take its toll. The feeling of failure is beginning to appear, and that is the last thing I want nor need to stay a healthy and happy Mummy.

What do you do to ensure you are the healthiest and happiest Mummy for your family?

Take care,

Kelly xxx

Saturday 20 April 2013

Take Two (or Three or Four or More) In May

Hmmm so I haven't been going very well with the Photography challenge so far...and no one has been encouraging me!!! Mind you, starting full time work has been (and will continue to be) a BIG adjustment for the whole family.

Given that we are two-thirds of the way through April already, I am going to wait until May before I start again. I should be more settled in with work by then and will hopefully have a pretty good routine going by then too. In the mean time, I will try and post some photos I've taken in the past that I think you might like, and if you have any suggestions for a short term challenge, I'd be keen to hear about it!

Take Care,

Kelly xxx

Friday 19 April 2013

Healthy Habits

I've talked about my fitness plan. Now, it's time to talk about food. This is something I REALLY struggle with. I love my food...a little too much! I am not interested in the fad diets or natural supplements that are so common these days - I just want to eat a healthy, balanced diet. The idea is that this will help me not only with my weight, but also with my energy and just generally feeling healthier. It will also help to set a good example for my boys as they grow up.

The question is - how do I go about changing my habits?

I'm not a big fruit eater - that is, I love eating fruit but it always seems easier to grab something from a packet. I also find that I can only buy a little at a time (and therefore, need to shop more often) as Mr Magoo doesn't eat fruit (except the occasional banana) and Cheeky Bear wants whatever Mr Magoo has. My last reason (and yes, I do realise these are just excuses - although not very good ones) is that I actually forget that I've bought it until it's too late.

I am a sugar addict. I admit it. I often buy a little snack with the groceries and eat it before I get home - just because I feel like something sweet. It is usually a chocolate, or an individual serving of cheesecake, custard or something similar. I have also been known to eat sugar by the spoonful - and no, I am not proud of this and I know it is not good for me (especially my teeth).

My other problem is portion size. I know I eat big meals - I always have. And I eat quickly. I grew up with two older brothers and a Dad who would often eye off my food once they had finished theirs, hoping I wouldn't be able to eat it all. If there was a chance for seconds, you had to be quick - otherwise you would miss out.

I think if I can change these habits, then I will have nothing to worry about. I have spent the last 6 months or so trying really hard to break these bad habits, but I have always fallen back on the old path so to speak. I am going to make myself accountable. Right now. I am going to change these habits. Starting from now, I am going to do the following to break my bad habits and create good ones:

  • I will eat two serves of fruit every day (and five serves of vegetables);
  • I will stop buying sweet treats, and cut back on my sugar intake A LOT;
  • I will be strict with my portion sizes; and
  • I will slow down my eating.
I will struggle. It will be hard. But it will be worth it. I will keep you updated over time...

Take care,

Kelly xxx

Thursday 11 April 2013


The blog has been quiet lately. There is a good reason. I had a job interview...and then another. For the same job. After the second interview, I was offered the job the very same day - it was a Friday. My first day was the following Monday. It's a full time position as a Retail Assistant Store Manager. This all happened while Hubland was overseas. Thankfully, my parents were here to help out with the kids, and everything just fell into place.

I have had three shifts so far, and already I am exhausted. Being a full time stay at home Mum is tiring, but actually having to shower, get dressed and leave by a certain time, drive the half hour to work, complete the shift, drive home, and then be Mum again is even more draining. Don't get me wrong - I am loving being back in the workforce and feeling like I have a purpose outside of the home - but it is certainly an adjustment. A BIG adjustment - and not just for me, but for Hubland, Mr Magoo and Cheeky Bear too! I have had to leave before the boys get up in the morning, Hubland has been more involved with daycare drop offs, pick ups and general home and family needs, and we are all out of whack. We will get there though, it will just take time.

For me personally, the biggest struggles have been getting enough sleep - I don't usually fall asleep at the computer at 9:15pm, and keeping up with my healthy eating and exercise. Since my first shift at work, I have not managed to fit in any walks or workouts. I do realise that it has only been four days, but I'm a little disappointed as I was just getting into a good routine with my morning walks and so on. I have also been slipping up with my eating - it is so convenient to grab McDonald's for lunch instead of taking something healthy from home. I will just have to try harder from now on.

There is one other thing that saddens me a little. My boys are well aware that something has changed, and they don't seem happy that Mummy isn't around as much anymore. Hubland told me that when Mr Magoo came into our room first thing this morning, he asked where I was. Once being told that I had already left for the day, he climbed up into bed for cuddles with Daddy. The problem came when it was time to get up - he just wanted to stay there - I wonder if he was worried that Daddy would leave too. I understand that things haven't been normal with Hubland going overseas, Grandma & Papa (my parents) staying with us and me starting work all around the same time, and although it was bound to happen, it breaks my heart to think that I am the cause for his pain. We try so hard as parents to do the best we can for our children - but sometimes it's hard to know what the best thing is for them.

I have no doubt that we will all adjust, and this change will be seen as normal for us in time...but until that happens, I will be doing all I can to make it as easy an adjustment as possible.

Take care,

Kelly xxx

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Photography Challenge...and how YOU can help!

One of my hobbies is photography. I absolutely love taking photos - not just photos of my boys, but landscapes, scenery, wildlife, people in general and anything else I come across throughout my day. Even though I enjoy art, craft and music, I don't see myself as an overly creative person, but I love challenging myself to be creative with it. As a busy Mum, I often don't never find the time to take photography outings ie. going out with the specific intention to take photos so I have to make the most of short periods of time when I can focus on being creative with my camera. Because of this, I decided to set myself a challenge.

There are many different photography challenges on (and off) line, but I am particularly fond of the photo a day challenges. I have come across quite a few of these, and the one that I keep going back to (despite not ever finishing a whole month yet) is Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day Challenge. I am yet again going to attempt the April challenge, despite the month starting yesterday, and I will post my photos daily on Facebook.

This is one of those "projects" that I get really excited about at the start, but after about a week, the whole project gets lost and I have to start again. What I'm trying to say is that I need your help - I need you to make sure that I post my photo daily, and if I haven't then you are most welcome (and I encourage you) to remind me to do so.

I guess I better go and get my first two photos taken.Who wants to join me?

Take care,

Kelly xxx